Welcome to the Republican Party of Chaves County.  This site is dedicated to educating and informing you of who we are and what our purpose is as the Republican Party of Chaves County.

Our Purpose:

Our purpose is to elect local, state, and federal Republican candidates who will protect our basic rights and promote and govern my the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Mexico.

Who Are We?

We are God-fearing patriots who bravely and unashamedly support our Constitution and work to support a government in conformity with our Constitution whereby each person in our community has the ability to freely pursue the gift of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

We believe in the basic values and principles of limited government supporting individual responsibility and self-governance, economic freedom and support for small business, deregulation, lower taxes, local control of education including vouchers, family values, and learning to live in community and the sanctity of human life from conception till natural death.

Come Join Us!

If you believe in most of the values and principles as stated, then we wholeheartedly invite you to join us.  If you do not believe in most of the values and principles stated, then we also wholeheartedly invite you to join us and enter into the public arena where we can learn to debate these important issues and still continue to live in community with one another.

Our next monthly meeting will be Monday, May 13th at 6pm at Grace Community Church, in Room 105

We will be hearing from candidates in our upcoming elections.

I look forward to seeing all of you at the meetings ahead. I know that the last election did not go well statewide and nationally. I know many of us have been somewhat discouraged. I know that we will not let what goes on in the Roundhouse and in DC distract us from our mission/purpose as the RPCC to elect local Republicans and to Get Out the Vote. You have all proven in the past your devotion to being patriots with conservative values and elected Republican leaders. Let’s continue the tradition of being the best Republican county in the state and one of the best in the nation.

Thankful for each one of you. Let’s roll up our sleeves and go to work for victory in 2024.